Why me and why “Wit and Wisdom”
hi, i’m casey.
I've got nearly 15 years of marketing experience across a variety of industries, an MBA from a great school (McCombs at Texas - go 'horns!), and a knack for balancing left and right brain thinking (making creative decisions powered by analytics). In early 2018, I launched an online-only vintage store, Blue Suede Vintage. Buying vintage and secondhand is one of the best, easiest ways to reduce your carbon footprint, so BSV as I call it is an incredibly fun social enterprise. It’s a passion project, but marketing is still my bread & butter.
Other words to describe me: wino, epicurean, music lover, Emerson’s mom, vintage hoarder obviously, bully breed advocate (dog mom of 3), and vol for life. I’m an INTJ and Enneagram 3. According to the Predictive Index, I’m a Strategist, which means I am independent, organized, results-oriented, and decisive.
Wit and Wisdom From the Peanut Butter Gang
When I was little, one of my favorite books was “Wit and Wisdom from the Peanut Butter Gang.” The author collected and published life advice from children, with quite an endearing result. It was one of those funny, random kids’ books that just stuck with me. As I grew up and grew into my career, I began to recognize that one of my greatest differentiators was my ability to switch seamlessly between creative and analytical thinking. I can edit a social video, then jump over into Excel without hesitation. I use the right side of my brain, the “wit,” and the left side, the “wisdom,” interchangeably! Oh, and of course one of my favorite foods is peanut butter.